Roller conveyor sortation systems are used extensively in numerous industries, primarily manufacturing, e-commerce, baggage handling, pallets sorting, packaging, food industries, totes & crates handling and logistics, because to their adaptability and utilisation.
Great adaptability in circuit design with robust in construction. In terms of loads, routes, slopes, etc., there are answers for practically every circumstance.
Roller conveyors are a robust, intelligent system that can handle a variety of products arriving at a defined throughput while integrating and adapting to various diverts and sorters. They are primarily selected to integrate with a variety of heavy-duty pallet motorised and non-motorized storage and sortation systems like in case of gravity flow, Shuttle system, ASRS system etc.
Vidhaatri provides various type of roller conveyors solutions like gravity Roller Conveyor, Belt Driven Roller Conveyor, Chain-Driven Roller Conveyor, Line Shaft Roller Conveyor, Powered Roller Conveyors etc.